This is a test in the Safe Schools Newsletter category!
This was phenomenal! Very thought-provoking and helpful in BIP and SIP process.
Preparing the data for the recent PA Day was much less time consuming this year using the Class Profile function in Cognos/ReportNet.
I had the opportunity to listen to Robert Dunn as he went over SIP Assessing Learning Needs. The two hours that I was there was definitely not long enough. The planning template is brilliant for it links all the pieces so that there is no need for multiple documents. It is based on goals and articulation of evidence and this should move us from beginning to exemplary. I look forward to sharing the video. Thank you for the motivation. keep the main thing the main thing!
As a high school teacher, I only get to see my students for 70 minutes a day, EnCompass allows me to get a better understanding of my students outside my very small pocket of time with them. Through the use of this program, I have a better understanding of what is happening in their other classes, but also what is happening in their lives, in the hallways, and at home as well. This information can be invaluable as a teacher, understanding the student from a holistic perspective helps me better address their abilities and needs in my classroom.
I really find that EnCompass allows me to see my students from different perspectives and I have a better idea of what’s going on in their lives outside the four walls of my classroom. It allows me to better understand their actions and reactions in class, and it helps me to plan accordingly.
Using the strengths information from Kieran, I was able to have a positive conversation with (student name) and use the information from the program to relate to him and he smiled! They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but compass is helping me to develop some new tricks!
From a classroom teachers’ perspective, Encompass is a very user-friendly program that gives quick access to a student, or a group of student’s progress in school. the information that can be obtained is up-to-date and quite vast in nature. Having the ability to group students to monitor such things as attendance, etc. is also very helpful. Seeing comments that other teachers have written about students can be helpful to find out what is going on in a student’s life, how they are doing in another class or some helpful teaching strategies that someone else is having success with. Certainly our mantra of ‘putting students first’ can be better accomplished with this program.
I am…for the first time in a very long time… excited about a new initiative. This looks to be user friendly and an extremely valuable tool. Thank you for all your time and effort.
If you haven’t heard or seen what IBM World of Watson (WOW) can do in education to transform how we use data, enter to win a trip to Las Vegas to see it live. We will be sharing the statistical and predictive power of IBM and Compass along with our partners Knowledge Providers Inc.
Draw date is Friday, September 30th at 6:00 p.m. The winner will be notified by email.
If you are not the successful winner, we will be providing a Watson training event at the upcoming BIT conference in November. Stay tuned, you won’t want to miss it!
To enter, go to our web site at under ‘NEWS’ or complete the form here.
This draw is open to those aged 18 years and above, who are employed by an educational organization.
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